Avocado Mousse – Perfect After Creole Dessert

What’s for Dessert?

After talking about my experiences learning from the Creole master, Paul Prudhomme, it was time to put my money where my mouth is.  Our friends Dick and Pam invited us over and I wanted to cook for them.  An honor and privilege, I made blackened pompano with crawfish étouffée, creole rice and nutmeg candied heirloom carrots (aka ugly carrots).  Accompanying them were Coon-ass Cocktails NOLA style.  Good dinner, but what came next topped off the evening.

What to do about dessert for Dick and Pam.  On our way back from gathering the dinner fixins, Wendy thought, lets stop by Oleander Bakery in Cocoa Village (Florida) as ask our master baker friend Andy for a dessert suggestion.  Andy is a master chef in his own right and thinking he would sell us a pie or eclairs, he surprised us with a recipe for a sweet avocado mousse.

Make this!  It is incredible and worth sharing.  Simple and easy, it was a hit.  Wendy’s Hibiscus Flower syrup as a garnish was incredible.

Avocado Mousse - Perfect After Creole Dessert
Prep time
Total time
Simple easy mousse can be thrown together in a last minute pinch or created and stored in the freezer for later. Sweet and tart with a Hibiscus Flower syrup it is world class
Recipe type: Swiss Mousse
Cuisine: Dessert
Serves: 1.5 pints
  • 1 pint high quality vanilla ice cream. We used Ben and Jerry or, if you can find it, Graters
  • ½ pint high quality lemon sorbet
  • 1 ripe avocado (perfect hass)
  • 3 ounces Grand Gala Orange Liqueur (Gand Mariner is also good or Mandarin Napoleon)
  • ½ tsp high quality vanilla extract.
  • 1 scoop remaining lemon sorbet
  1. Add avocado to a blender
  2. Add oranger liqueur and vanilla extract
  3. Blend
  4. Add Ice Cream
  5. Add the sorbet
  6. Blend until very smooth adding more liqueur to thin to a smooth mousse consistency
  7. Serve with a dollop of lemon sorbet in the center
  8. garnish with a Hibiscus flower and syrup

The Hibiscus Flower Syrup comes from Australia and is available in the US direct from www.wildhibiscus.com or at upscale shops.  Wonderful in drinks or on ice cream.  Great in margaritas as well.


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