If you have been following us, you know that the second half of 2010 has been hectic for us. So, when Wendy had the idea of spending the holidays and the end of 2010 in a place that would help us wind down, we jumped on the idea.
Last year on our way back to the factory we stopped in Borrego Springs, California. We were so impressed with the facilities and the community that it seemed a natural place for us to spend the holidays. For us, Borrego offers all the thing that we want most to experience during this season…solitude!
The adage that a picture is worth a thousand words was created when there was no such thing as video. Carrying the adage a step forward into this century, maybe it should now read that a video is worth 10,000 pictures. It would be so hard to describe what we experience in the desert everyday, so we shot some very raw footage and transformed it into our story of or desert experience here in Borrego Springs.
A couple of things about this video.
Our part elf musician friend, Arthur Hull, asks his students, “Is the music in the beat or the spaces between the beats?” To Arthur, it is both. We titled this video “Spaces” because we feel that it is not only about living life in the moment, but the spaces between the moments as well. We feel, it is both the spaces and the defining moments that bring both happiness and fulfillment.
The end of this year for us is a celebration. It has been a wonderful year with break throughs and a year where we lost our best friend and fellow time traveler, Disney. Moreover it has been a year where we are able to share his memory with his sister, Isabel (The Cat) and her new “brother” Japser. We truly are not mourning the loss of our voiceless teacher, but able to live the things he taught us watching the wonderment of living through Jasper’s young eyes and heart. You do not have to try too hard to see both Disney and Jasper in this video. Yet, Jasper is his own wonderful being up to the point where all hell breaks loose when he decides to puppy chase Isabel back and forth in the coach.
We hope that you are able to extract happiness, solace, joy, wisdom and inspiration from our “Spaces” video. As always, it is our intent to provoke, invoke and evoke!
Lastly, from the day we met near Santa Fe New Mexico there has been someone who has been with us all the way and whose music has inspired us, provokes us and continues to evoke emotions through his musical journey. It is fitting this holiday that Carlos Nakai was with us in music form at Pecos fifteen years ago and his new age experiment accompanies our video today. He too has grown from his emotional Native American flute, Canyon Trilogy, to this introspectiveness merging orchestration with his flute. It more than somehow fits to fulfill “Spaces.”
Happy Holidays and wishing you a 2011 full of wonderment, defining moments and “Spaces.”
[flashvideo file=http://www.chilltravelers.com/video/Borrego.f4v /]
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