Jasper’s Beach Soccer….Texas Style

Well, ever since the realization that Jasper is a true Texan, we decided to see how this horse chasing head strong critter would deal with the Pacific Ocean.   In true fashion, the score is Jasper 1 and Pacific 0  🙂

We are in one of our favorite places at Pacific Shore RV Resort in Newport Oregon trying to mix a lot of work with some punctuated moments of reality.  At this time of the year, the weather is clear and sunny with daytime temps in the high 60’s.  When it is low tide at a reasonable time of day, we walk Jasper down to the beach from the location and walk three or four miles on the beach.  Wendy thought that Jasper might carry his love for chasing balls to the beach, so we went down with video cameras in hand to get the results below.

What is especially fun is that during this process, we let Jasper off-leash to see if he would listen to us and come when we called him.  Despite his Texas independence, he did well.  Take a look.

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