Trans-Canada 1 – No Through Way?

We decided to head to Calgary on our way to Kelowna for our business meetings.  A few days in Cochrane just west of Calgary was our jumping off point for the 300ish mile journey to the finger lakes region of Western Canada.  We had heard it was tough going, but the Grizzly was up to the task.  The 300+ miles took us a little over 8 hours and we shot some video of interesting things we saw on the way.

When we got to Kelowna, it was a very interesting place and we were tired.  We had a lot of video and it seemed pretty disjointed.  Staying put for a few hours, we used a special technique to grab all the video and use an automatic editing function in our video studio software.  We decided to use a technique that we have heard about this new video technique this guy name Al Gore (Trey Ratcliff) invented which seemed strangely familiar to a piece of software we have been using for a couple of years.  So, for our photographer friends, we call it TransCanada Chill’in developed using a new totally unheard of technique developed be the Chill Travelers called ChillMotion.  😉

Enjoy the journey on Trans Canada 1 from Calgary to Kelowna!  A journey in Chill 3D Sloooooow Motion.

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