Bichon Bash, California Style

Jasper is now growing like a weed, shedding his baby teeth and starting to discover all that this world has to offer him. We had been in Malibu for a short while and were invited to a gathering of Bichon’s that were bred by the wonderful lady that brought us Jasper. Marlene lives just north of Dallas Texas and is the president of the Los Angeles Bichon Club. Marlene lived in Santa Monica before moving to her new home. She remains the clubs president and travels occasionally for meetings

November 13th, 2010 was a very special meeting of the club hosted by a Bichon member family in Pacific Palisades. It was special because we would get to see Marlene, a hoard of Jasper’s relatives and a reunion with Jasper sister who now lives in Studio City.

It is impossible to describe what it is like to be around 30+ Bichon’s, so watch this short clip to get just a slight taste of what it was like to be in the middle of all the energy.

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