Disney’s Test Track – Opening Day & Ray Kurzweil

This has been an interesting few days with the end of the world coming on the 21st (;-]) and Ray Kurzweil being named Director of Engineering at Google.  Since leaving the corporate world more than 15 years ago, I cannot imagine Ray tolerating employism.  As ironic as it may seem, when I shared a board seat with Ray for the National Federation for the Blind, I was responsible for technology advanced for the NFB.  Ray was working on an app to read signs and I was working on a technology that preceeded Google Glasses called Scotos.  Scotos was a mythical god that could see in the dark and my invention was a pair of glasses that had high definition cameras at the corners of the frames that would see things and speak them to the wearer.  Sort of Google Glasses….hmmmm I wonder if they stole my idea.

As a side note, when I introduced Scotos, it was at the annual convention for the NFB which is in Louisville KY every year.  Very strange to speak to 10,000 blind people because when you begin to talk, they become silent.  I have spoken to much larger crowds, but none that are silent.  A bit unnerving to say the least.

So, what does this have to do with the opening day at Disney’s EPCOT Test Track?   Well, video cameras were not allowed.  But, who would question some funny looking glasses that record video in high def.

The image of the Fast Pass shows that we were one of the first riders on the very first day that the new Test Track opened   In fact, we did three rides in the first 45 minutes it was open.

Enjoy this very oblique video from a first riders eye viewpoint accompanied by Dire Straights.


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