We left Rapid City with hopes of punching through the rain and the snow with a weather forecast predicting the 70’s in Coeur d’Alene Idaho. A conversation while heading for Billings caused some left turns. As it turns out, Wendy has never been to Yellowstone National Park. Truth be told, I have only been there for business meetings flying a corporate jet in and out of Jackson Hole. It is the weekend and if we are going to be true to our goal of SeeLevel travel, then we must go.
A quick search of the Best Bets For Big Rigs campground guide and we found a wonderful place started by a very interesting couple about 35 miles north of Yellowstones North Gate.
How we got here and park video to follow.
[flashvideo file=http://www.keys-soap.com/videos/yellowtrip.flv /]
Yellowstone Edge Campground RV Resort
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