Vintage Airplanes, Vintage Cars & Babes…Is this a great country or what?

HOT AIR  by Bob Root

Just started reading Richard Branson’s new book “Reach For The Skies.”  What impresses me so far is that he honors the heroes that succeeded in changing the world of flight with an equal emphasis on those that tried and failed.  Reading the first few chapters, it dawned on me that I had captured some video at the Santa Paula Airport this past February.  When I reviewed the clips, I realized that I had captured a small bit of evolution.

Walking around “First Sunday” with our friends Tina and Dennis makes the event all that more special.  Miller their wonder dog captured almost as much attention as the “bird.”  It was a fun day that inspired me to put together a short look of what we experienced.

For a guy, it warms the soul, rejuvenates the spirit and makes you feel young again to be around cool airplanes and cool cars.  Better yet is to see these great machines walking around with a couple of hot babes.  There are few places on earth where you can get up close and personal with these great designs of the past.On the first Sunday of the month, a visit to Santa Paula Airport (California) will find the hangers open and lots of great things to see.

Enjoy a brief bit or history and the work that these people have put forth to restore and are restoring these great machines of the past.

As a bit of technical background, the video was shot using my new SONY broadcast video camera with an ultra-wide lens developed for news teams to shoot in cramped spaces.  The camera actually produces sharper more colorful images that are smaller in file size.  I intentionally used a broadcast encoder file (F4V) for this video.  So, it is about twice the size of most of my videos, but the increase really helps to show the details of this high definition film.   Enjoy!

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