
Transcon – Navigating Trio of CoPilot, Trucker Path and Waze

Driving a “Monster-C” aka “The Grizzly” is fun and relaxing for me. The stability of our ShowHauler is impressive. It is like riding on rails. When we started with a 40′ Class A, the computer-assisted navigation on my motor yacht was light years ahead of the RV. I had all sorts of hardware modules hooked to a dedicated laptop in the copilot seat. We were [–Read More]

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Wifi Hell – Who is Throttling My Bandwidth?

It is the 2.4Ghz band which is especially problematic in RV communities.  To cut to it, people often speculate that bandwidth issue are between wifi access point and the internet provider.  “The cable isn’t the problem,” but a clogged 2.4Ghz wifi band is the cause. [–Read More]

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Augmented Reality – HyperZooming

I have been accused of many things in my life and one requiring comment is how bizarre my mind works. Pushing the envelope of HDR photography, my interest includes time-lapse with augmented reality applied. The latest challenge is hyperzooming time-lapse. Take a look at what has become my latest challenge to learn and master. [–Read More]

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